Rural area and suburb of city always stuck with everything.


Rural area and suburb of city always stuck with everything. One of them is Sogog secondary school which has 750 students 70% from herdsmen families. During the education year these students live at the dormitory. This time Rustic generous support reached at this school to repair classroom floor with GEFLOR French floor covering. School doesn’t have enough budget to paint classrooms and even floor is no plat because of that students always have ankle damages. Six years old students study at this classroom! We painted one classroom’s wall and floor and put GEFLOR floor covering on another classroom.  
Their generous support continued to teach locals ,their culture and to help to develop local students’ English speaking. Today, English is second language of Mongolians. If they know English well they can find job in the future. So reason why we are teaching them English to think bright life for coming generation. There are no clubs and students are very shy! So, communicating and playing with them is the biggest communication to help them to improve their speaking and vocabulary ! They also made mud block which will be used to build storage to keep their animal meat during the winter time. It means it will be used as refrigerator starting November to beginning of May. Then last months it will be used as a food storage  
Another informant project is to stop desertification. Students made special support to plant seeds which grows at the dry and sand area. Together local students Rustic students transport sands then plant seeds on it. We proud of both local students as well Rustic, students and staff:-) !!! 
In the evening Rustic students taught local girls how to make wristband. All of them loved so much to learn new thing even cooks and local mangers learned from them!!! It is really new idea!!! 

Year by year locals also learning and developing their forgotten cultures to show Rustic students. Thanks to Rustic collaboration we also have revived some forgotten unique cultures. Rustic students also tried to milking camel, to ride camel as well had a picture with Golden Eagle. Little 4 years girl showed us how to hunting with Eagle and falcon.Also Eagle hunter told us about Eagle history!!! Every evening local students played soccer and balleyball with Rustic students.It was really good summer time activities for locals.

We appriciated Rustic students.They are amazing!!!  

After service days we traveled to Tavan Bogd National park. While hiking we enjpyed scenery of nature flora and fauna as well scnow sacpped mountains. 
We visited one of the special area where has 10.0000 phetrogloyps which descrives how was inhabitants life style in 2000 years ago. Now, Tuba families live at this theritory .Their language and culture , religion is different. Together Rustic and local kids played with Tag-of war and students shoot with archery!!! 
Rustic students donated AID food and warm cloths which sent by Myster 1, Mystery 2 , OTM1 , OTM 2 and Rustic China and Mongolian Country director Amanda! We proud of with Rustic and its amazing generous directors , leaders and students!!!  


Dearest Amanda and Rustic Phatways all staff and students


Dearest Amanda and Rustic Phatways all staff and students,

It’s harder and harder these days to get the number of volunteers we need—but you made time in your busy schedule to step up. Thank you so much! There are a lot of families who don’t have a roof over their heads. This house was built inexpensive, but quality, durable , completed with electricity and heating system by Rustic students’ support could be the ticket to Mr.Muhan getting back to on their feet. He was so happy when he met Rustic students and staff. He lives with his wife, a girl and waiting their new infant in coming September. They are so happy to have a new warm house before delivering their another baby!

Rustic always be inspire to locals and specialy for young generation!

SSN NGO board members , neighbors and relatives of Mr.Muhan made special table to express their gratitude from deepest bottom of their heart to generous , kindly support of Rustic students as well directors of Rustic and staff. We appreciated students hard work and generous support! Also they wished all of them happiness and success of their study and safety trip back to their parents!    
Their generous support continued to teach locals their culture and to help to develop local students’ English speaking. Today, English is second language of Mongolians. If they know English well they can find job in the future. So reason why we are teaching them English to think bright life for coming generation. There are no clubs and students are very shy! So, communicating and playing with them is the biggest communication to help them to improve their speaking and vocabulary !   

After 6 days service we had started another important travel days which is very special for us and for students. We proud of our culture, nature as well Rustic generous staff and students. We traveled to local herdsmen families to see their life stile. Little herder girl who is only 4 years old whose name is Aygerim showed as how to teach Eagle for hunting and how herders move by camel support from a place to another camp/ actually herdsmen families move four times a year/

We also donated AID food for 5 more families who do not have any income resource and they are new couples.    

We traveled to Tavan Bogd national park which is one of the tourist attractive area where mostly live one of Mogolian ethnic group that calls “Tuva”. Their culture and language is different then Mongolian and Kazakh. Together Rustic and Tuva students also had special event at there .They shoot archery and did tag-of war with locals…etc.    
While hiking students enjoyed beauty of nature with flora and fauna as well glacier   
Last day, local students made performance by expressing their gratitude as well rustic students . In the evening we had dinner at the one of SSN NGO board members’ house! God bless you!!!    

Thanks to Rustic Pathways Mystery 2


Thanks to Rustic Pathways Mystery 2 we organized various sport activities including traditional team games / such as Tag-of –war and wrestling as well crafts games between local and Rustic students.
In addition Rustic students also helping to herdsmen families and locals to keep and to develop their traditional customs .For showing Rustic students they have revived some forgotten unique customs. Visiting to herdsmen families they also see their life style by their eye and interested their hunting skills and hand made peltry. After , visited and enjoyed beauty of nature landmark area.  
Last day, expressing their gratitude from deepest bottom of their heart to generous Rustic students and staff, be half of Sogog and Ulaankhus community t, we have special event at the one of NGO board member house where we had Kzakh’s traditional meal which calls “Besbarmakh”. As well local students performed by their traditional instruments and sang a song.   


Thanks to Rustic Pathways Mystery 1

Thanks to Rustic Pathways Mystery 1 we organized various sport activities including traditional team games / such as Tag-of –war and wrestling as well crafts games between local and Rustic students.  

  In addition Rustic students also helping to herdsmen families to keep their traditional customs .For showing Rustic students they have revived some forgotten unique customs. Therefore, young ladies learning how to make tasty cousin. Many local youths had a job during last two months. Thanks to Rustic collaborating students find their tuition, parents found their children’s school supplies, winter preparation as well local kids had unforgettable summer time with learning various things as inspiration that is very important ..etc   
 Last day, expressing their gratitude from deepest bottom of their heart to generous Rustic students and staff, be half of Sogog and Ulaankhus community t, we have special event at the one of NGO board member house where we had Kzakh’s traditional meal which calls “Bes Barmakh”.”.