Children are helping to water the green projects
Some of the communities` children are helping to water the trees and vegetables of the school and kindergarten during their summer vacation.
Khizil-Kharin | Sogog kindergarten`s cucumbers |
After three months, Kulshash came back to Sogog to control the green project of the kindergarten. Her workers and the workers of our NGO who helped to take care of the vegetables while she was sick did a good job. She almost cried when she saw how big the trees, vegetables and herbs have become. The cabbages, turnips, onions, tomatoes and herbs are growing very well.
Sogog kindergarten
Sogog kindergarten |
Ulaanhus kindergarten |
Sogog school
Ulaanhus kindergarten
Sagsai school`s vegetable field |
Sagsai clinic`s vegetable field |