Green news from Ulaanhus kindergarten
Ulaanhus kindergarten has them all! Have a look at their…
Child-friendly and Safe Environment
The Project for Child-friendly and Safe Environment
I would…
Our mission is to solve health and nutrition problems of nomadic herdsmen families, to support the development of the educational sector and help local communities who are the most vulnerable families to overcome poverty and experience fullness of life to increase their monthly income, to save and protect their environment.
Together we can protect children today, and empower them for tomorrow.
Rastic Phatways students also helped the Sogoog school and kindergarten vegetable field and Green houses! Gardener was happy seeing new cucumbers and well grwoing potatoes, currot, trunip, onion, tomatoes watermelon and radish!
This year had a lot of wind and no rain during July but grasses growing well ! Three different grasses growing at the herdesmen families grass filed. Seabackthon berry ! Yammy 🙂
Rastic Pathways students taught English speaking class to Ulaankhus and Sogoog kids who were participating at the SSN summer time training! All kids were so happy for attending at this class. Herdesmen families kids perpormed “Khara Jorga” dance to foreigen students.This dance is one of the hit dance. This is the first year summer kindergarten […]