
About Us

Our mission is to solve health and nutrition problems of nomadic herdsmen families, to support the development of the educational sector and help local communities who are the most vulnerable families to overcome poverty and experience fullness of life to increase their monthly income, to save and protect their environment.

Together we can protect children today, and empower them for tomorrow.

Green news from Ulaanhus kindergarten

Ulaanhus kindergarten has them all! Have a look at their first year`s carrots, watermelons, cucumbers and tomatoes:           And their trees!

Child-friendly and Safe Environment

The Project for Child-friendly and Safe Environment I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rustic Pathways collaboration! Together last 6 years me made a lot of changes of remote and isolated western community better life and their children’s future education development. We also focus our projects implementation to help Ulaanbaatar suburb children’s education […]

The Green project


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