Historical room where pictures of Honor Donor’s of SSN NGO


Under the financial support of Oigor secondary school and Source of Steppe Nomads NGO as well local community support new renovated Museum opened in Sogoog bagh , Ulaankhus sum Bayan-Ulgii province. Many local people and herdsmen came to opening ceremony and expressing their gratitude to head of both organizations be half of local kids and communities.

It is the first Museum of Ulaankhus territory. It will be historical even students will be able to get historical, geography lesson in here.

Traditional wooden Ger in which all nomads’ herders household traditional wooden hand made items were put. Geography and Biology rooms were opened where you can find what kind of plants, grasses, barriers, bushes, rocks , birds are in Sogog territory.
Historical room where pictures of Honor Donor’s of SSN NGO and local honors who had worked hard to open Sogog bagh and Oigor secondary school and it’s development ,were hanged . And many pictures that shows what SSN NGO already have done and how it is effected this small Sogog bagh development.